Blended Solution Provides Future-Proof Insurance

Professionals in the insurance industry know how worthwhile it is to plan for and invest in the future. When a home and auto insurance company decided it wanted to update its office in Ann Arbor, Michigan, its team reached out to Rightsize Facility to PLAN and FURNISH the space. The goal was to select high-quality, long-lasting furniture that will meet the company’s needs for many years to come.  

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Earth Week: Focus on Sustainability

In honor of Earth Week, a global environmental awareness campaign leading up to Earth Day on April 22, we are highlighting Rightsize Facility’s ongoing commitment to sustainability. “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” isn’t just a clever slogan for us. It’s part of our DNA, and we incorporate it into all of our services and business practices.

Whether our clients are renovating, refurnishing, or relocating, we employ our green methodology to the project. Here are some of the ways Rightsize helps clients minimize their environmental impact.

Facility Decommissioning

Through our eco-friendly facility decommissioning program, we attempt to keep as much waste out of landfills as possible. It’s often a mad dash to return a space to its original, broom swept condition, but we have a thorough, streamlined decommissioning process that meets the precise recycling guidelines set by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Asset Disposition

We’re proud that less than 5% of all FF&E assets (movable furniture, fixtures, and other equipment) we decommission end up in a landfill. Rightsize’s team extends the life cycle of these assets in the following ways:

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Startup Office Guide: 3 Tips for Success

Startups have a reputation for trying to outdo each other with the stylish design and amenities of their offices. But while it’s fun to compete for the hippest industrial space, the coolest game room, or the most impressive communal area, it’s important for decision makers at startups to be intentional about allocating money and resources.

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Meet The Team

Rightsize Facility is made up of creative problem solvers, logistical pros and visual superstars. We specialize in putting together, taking apart and reconfiguring complex 3D puzzles for our clients every day. Our staff has an attitude that no challenge is insurmountable – with the right tools and a little ingenuity.

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Let there be light!

It’s amazing what natural light can do to improve an office space. After working with Rightsize Facility on their previous workspace, an outdoor retail company located in Illinois reconnected with us in late 2017 when they were looking to PLAN and FURNISH a larger 28-seat office space that features windows along its entire perimeter.

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