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A Telecom Company Opens a New Facility

A Telecom Company Opens a New Facility

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Last summer, a technology and telecommunications company opened a new facility to house its customer service and training operations. Rightsize partnered with the company to help PLAN and FURNISH the new construction – which included an open-plan workspace, private offices, communal areas, and conference rooms.

The client envisioned a clean, modern aesthetic, and a space adaptable to multiple different tasks and needs. Rightsize consulted with the company’s decision makers to group employees by teams, configuring them into refurbished dogbone workstations in the open office area. The workspace needed a section to accommodate the sales team and another for employees working remotely, who come in occasionally for meetings with colleagues and clients. Rightsize designed a bank of workstations, featuring sit-to-stand desks, equipped with phone stations, that allow visiting employees to work seamlessly for their entire stay.

Common spaces played an important role in the new office, offering room for groups to meet and train. Rightsize installed large meeting rooms equipped with teleconferencing capabilities for training new customers, as well as modest huddle rooms for employees to use. Rightsize utilized new Global products for these shared areas.

“Because the footprint of an employee is becoming smaller and smaller as real estate becomes more expensive, we’re putting more people in less office space,” said A&D Specialist Mitch Obstfeld. “But we don’t want to sacrifice privacy, so we create huddle rooms, which are small conference areas for groups of two to four people. Employees can get together for impromptu or scheduled meetings to collaborate on projects.”

Rightsize also added a private room for employees who are breastfeeding to pump throughout the day. Lactation rooms are becoming a common addition in many workplaces; under the Affordable Care Act, employers with at least 50 employees are required to offer breastfeeding women a break and a clean, private place (that isn’t a bathroom) to express milk.

“The room has a comfortable, residential feel, and it’s intended to help working moms transition back to work after maternity leave,” said Obstfeld. “It provides a door with a lock, a comfortable chair, a small fridge, a sink, and access to electrical outlets and flat surfaces.”

The new facility is now open and operating smoothly. Rightsize has already been working with the client on a few smaller projects, and the team is looking forward to collaborating more in the future.

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