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Be Productive: Take a Break

Be Productive: Take a Break

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The majority of jobs these days require a worker to sit in a chair and glue their eyes to a screen for long hours. It’s not just that workers are getting too much screen time; they’re also getting too much sitting time. Staying in one position for long, especially in front of the computer or laptop screen, tends to decrease productivity, create lethargy, and lead to a sedentary & unhealthy lifestyle. This is one of the reasons many companies are introducing break areas in their offices.


How Beneficial Break Rooms are For You and Your Employees

Creates a Sense of Community

People tend to stick to those they know best. This happens in the workplace as well, and so people within the same department tend to stay close. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it can create a divided culture of less interaction and socializing with other employees.

A break area provides a space for coworkers to have more opportunities to interact with one another. This can lead to bonding among different teams working in the same organization and can strengthen relationships within the company.

Provides a Mental Break

Mental breaks for workers are necessary to stay focused, positive and productive. As a leader of a company, one should see it as a postive to provide a space away from a desk so that employees can catch up with their family & friends while not impeding their work at their workspace.

It is amazing how taking just a walk to the break room can energize oneself and can boost work productivity. A break area can do this even more so, working for the betterment of both the company and its employees by separating work areas from social areas.

Promotes a Healthy Environment

It’s all too common for workers nowadays to sit for long hours staring at a computer screen, mindlessly munching on snacks, all the while staying sedentary and ignoring their diet. Including an area in an office with healthy beverage and snack options where workers feel free to move around promotes a positive company culture, both mentally and physically.

With worker well-being an increasing focus by emploeyers, break areas can be a small way companies can let their employees know they care. No only can better well-being boost morale and the work culture, it can also drive down insurance costs to the company as well.

Attracts Great Talents

The benefits and perks of the workplace greatly appeal to the Millenial & Gen Z workforces. Young professionals who are creative and have a lot of potential look for specific aspects of the company they want to work in. Unlike previous generations, Millenials prioritize their social life and health on similar levels to their work tasks

Break areas signal to young workers that a company does not expect one to be solely focused on their job when at the office. They’ll be allowed to catch up with family or friends on breaks while escaping their desk.


Ways Break Rooms Maintain a Proper Office Culture

Break rooms do not have to be very extravagant. All they need to have is comfortable seating, an appealing layout, and a lack of noise pollution. If the workspace is small and there is little room to work with, screening systems can be part the working area and break out space. Here is how to create an efficient break room:

Free Space

Many companies are now offering healthy, free beverages and snacks in break rooms to their employees. This is an effective way to make workers feel appreciated and valued. When they have a sense of appreciation, they are likely to work hard, which will ultimately be profitable for your organization.

Make the Break Room anything but Boring

Add lively colors to the walls other than typical, dull office colors. Use simple yet bright accessories for a visual pop. It is also important to utilize a mix of traditional & contemporary seating options that allows every employee to feel comfortable in their own way. To go even further; books, magazines, ping-pong tables, and dart games can be added touches so that everyone can relax according to their own preferences.


Wrapping Up

A break room is a great feature of modern workplace design. They provide a place for workers to relax and interact with one another. With various benefits to employees and employers, they ultimately result in an increase in overall productivity and a strong workplace community.

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