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5 Signs That It’s Time for New Office Furniture

5 Signs That It’s Time for New Office Furniture

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There comes a time when you can’t deny reality anymore: it’s time to upgrade your office furniture. No one welcomes the prospect of spending money on new furnishings, but don’t wait until it becomes an emergency. Heed the warning signs and leave yourself ample time to PLAN – your budget will thank you.

Here are five signs that it’s time to revamp your office furniture.

You’re running out of space.

These growing pains are usually a good sign; business is good, and your company has expanded. But your workplace hasn’t adapted to accommodate all this change. If you find that your employees are squeezed into the space uncomfortably, or you are running out of workstations and storage, your layout needs an upgrade. Before you panic about needing to move to a bigger location, request a free Space Plan Consult. A member of the Rightsize workplace solutions team will evaluate your current needs and provide cost-effective solutions.

The office feels dated.

Pay attention to how your office layout and décor affect your team’s mood and productivity. Do the tall panels make it feel closed off and dark? Is it difficult to find spaces to do certain tasks? The modern workplace has transformed in recent years, and older furniture may be keeping you stuck in the past. Updating the overall look will make an immediate impact and improve employee morale.

The place is a mess.

It’s hard to get much done around the office when you have stacks of files covering every work surface or clunky storage units taking up too much room. If your workplace is feeling cluttered and crowded, you need a more efficient storage system that fits within your overall layout and design.

Your employees have a laundry list of complaints.

Think about the complaints you’ve been fielding about your office. Are they constant or steadily increasing? Note how many of them relate to the form, fit and function of existing furnishings. There’s nowhere to eat lunch. My back hurts from sitting too long. The conference table isn’t big enough for our team meetings. No matter the challenges, Rightsize can help you quiet the complaints.  From workflow analysis and space planning, to furniture procurement and installation, we cover all the bases.

Your furniture doesn’t fit your brand.

Your office represents your company, and it makes a powerful first impression. Does your current office furniture convey the message you want it to about your brand? Be intentional about selecting furnishings – the color, the style, and the overall aesthetic – should be a reflection of your brand and match the character of your company.

If you’re ready to upgrade your office furniture, click here to get started and request a free office refresh consult with one of our experts.

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