Rightsize Facility
What Are Desk Partitions?
Desk partitions are pieces of office furniture that divide desks that are close together into private, dedicated work stations. With desk partitions, you can increase both safety and productivity in your office.
Right now, there are many safety concerns about returning to the office. As most workers have created a work-from-home routine and schedule, many will be hesitant to come back to the office unless they are assured that their office is fully safe and healthy.
With desk partitions, you can assure your employees that their wellbeing will be a priority when they are in the office. Desk partitions will give each employee a protective barrier to minimize the spread of germs or viruses from one worker to another.
In addition to the safety benefits, desk partition panels can also be utilized to increase productivity. Office desk partitions provide a dedicated and individualized workspace to each person, which will allow them to focus more and improve their work performance with minimal distractions.
Rightsize Facility is a nationwide furniture dealer that offers partitions. At Rightsize Facility, we know that every office is actively working to make adjustments to their office to ensure employees that they will remain healthy and safe at work. Desk partitions are just one of the many ways that companies can make their office promote safety, wellness, and productivity.

Why You Need Desk Partition Panels In Your Office
During these unprecedented times, many businesses are adjusting their offices to be accommodating of safety guidelines and recommendations. As some employees may feel uncomfortable returning to the office with the possible associated health risks involved, it is essential that organizational leaders are doing everything they can to make the workplace safe.
Desk partitions are one of the easiest ways to foster an environment of safety, wellness, and productivity. When employees have an additional protective barrier between them and their employees, they will feel comfortable in their workspace.
Additionally, partition panels encourage productivity as they minimize distractions. If your office environment is busy and chaotic, you’ll want to consider adding desk partition panels to make sure that every employee can easily concentrate without the distractions of the busy office. At the same time, employees can still easily communicate with others whenever it is needed.
Desk partitions can be utilized in just about every space that features desks. However, there are some workspaces that demand desk partition panels to properly mitigate anxiety about health and safety in the office. Listed below are some of the spaces where office desk partitions should be used:
- Open Floor-Plan Offices – Open floor-plan offices have been extremely popular because they allow for free-flowing communication and collaboration. However, this set-up needs to be modified slightly to ensure that employees feel safe and comfortable. With desk partitions, the open office can still thrive while enforcing safe communication.
- Collaborative Work Rooms – If your office does not have an open floor-plan where it is easy for employees to work together, it might have dedicated rooms for collaborative work. With clear, acrylic desk partitions in place, employees can still work with another while staying safe from the spread of germs and viruses.
- Desk Centers – If your office features a space that is densely populated with desks in close proximity to one another, desk partitions are necessary for many reasons. In order to promote social distancing, desks should be safely distant and feature protective screens and barriers to avoid the spread of germs, bacteria, viruses, and illnesses.
Aside from these spaces, desk partitions can be utilized anywhere where there are desks in the office. With desk partitions, you can foster a work environment of safety, wellness, and productivity.
Office desk partitions can refer to any piece that effectively divides desks from one another. Whether this is done with clear material to foster communication or paneling to give employees a private space, desk partitions can make the office safe while maintaining your work culture and environment.
- Panels/Walls – Desk partitions made of paneling act like walls, in that they reduce distractions significantly and add a protective layer. Desk partition panels give employees their own, dedicated work station to really focus without any distractions.
- Privacy Screens – Similar to desk partition panels, privacy screens also give employees a more private workspace. Privacy screens can be made of a material that slightly minimizes distractions while still allowing employees to be more aware of what is going on around them.
- Protective Shields – If your office depends on free-flowing communication and collaboration, protective shields made of clear acrylic material would be the perfect fit. Protective shields provide employees with an additional layer of protection while still facilitating interaction with others.
- Wellness Screens – Many offices will need to conduct wellness screenings before employees are allowed to enter the office to ensure that no harmful germs are spread. Wellness screens are a type of desk screen that allows employees to be checked and screened for their temperature before they come into the office.
Whatever kind of desk partitions you are looking to implement into your office, Rightsize Facility is here to help. If you are unsure of which desk partitions would be best fit to create your desired work environment, our team of experts would be happy to consult with you to make sure that you are satisfied with your products.
The 3 R’s Of Reshaping The Workplace Post-Covid
Rightsize Facility knows that now is the time to plan for your office’s reopening, and desk partitions are just one of the many ways that you can add safety measures into your workplace to create a positive work environment.
At Rightsize Facility, we believe that you can reshape your workplace post-Covid in three main ways: redesign, retrofit, and reconfigure.
An office redesign right now is a huge undertaking, but it might be necessary to properly address safety concerns. At Rightsize Facility, we can help with anything related to redesign, whether you are looking for design solutions, space-optimizing recommendations, or furniture pieces.
Retrofitting involves adding strategic and beneficial fixtures and accessories to pieces of furniture that are already in the office. If you add desk partitions to the desks that are already in your office, you are retrofitting your office for safety.
Reconfiguration means that your office will be adjusting the spacing and layout of your office. Reconfiguration is a cost-effective way to change the work environment to promote wellness, safety, and productivity.
Create A Safe And Healthy Workplace
Where Can I Buy Desk Partitions? Rightsize Facility
Whether you are looking to increase your office’s current sense of safety or productivity, office desk partitions can make a big impact. At Rightsize Facility, we know how important it is right now to add safety measures into the office to make sure that employees feel comfortable.
Rightsize Facility is an experienced, leading company in the furniture industry with a specialty in office transitions. At Rightsize Facility, we work with over two hundred contract grade manufacturers to offer our clients only the highest quality furniture pieces around.
If you want to implement partitions in your office space, Rightsize Facility is here to help with our expert services. We are always happy to answer any questions that you may have, so please Contact Us Here to learn more today!