Core Values Mission Statement

Our team truly treats each other like family. We believe in our employees and are committed to creating a positive atmosphere where they can thrive. To describe our work culture, we use the word “Ohana,” which is a Hawaiian word meaning a wider family of relatives, friends and colleagues. At Rightsize the spirit of camaraderie goes far beyond most workplaces.
Sales and business development are contact sports, and the creation and maintenance of professional networks are essential to our success. Effective brand ambassadorship is crucial to winning the networking game. So is working in partnership with business associations. Not all connections are for profit, though, as we take pride in giving back to the communities we serve with philanthropy.
To succeed as a business, we must provide the highest quality service to our customers. To accomplish our goals, each employee must be on a path toward mastery of their craft. This requires an unwavering commitment to excellence in our job performance. To help achieve that, we provide the tools, environment, culture and training programs to foster excellence.
Long-term success requires balance. We expect each employee to work hard but also play hard in the form of team building events and enjoying life outside the office. Together we will accomplish great things while having fun! Time management is essential to maintaining work-life balance and being as effective as possible every day.
We operate in a transparent manner, where we share our goals with our team members and ensure that our actions always reflect our values. Likewise, we expect our employees to be eager to learn new things as they strive for continuous improvement. We have a strong commitment to workplace diversity and we welcome people of all backgrounds to join our team.
Accountability to ourselves and each other is crucial for our success. Every member of the team must be in it to win it and ensure that their efforts reflect that on a consistent basis. In addition to holding ourselves accountable for our job performance and growth of the business, we are also obliged to do our part for Mother Earth. We take pride in using industry-leading sustainable practices.
Collaboration is one of the most important keys to success. We must work together as a team with each department and employee fulfilling their responsibilities in tandem. We all must work equally hard to move forward as one organization. To achieve this, effective communication with each other and our customers is crucial.
Social Responsibility
Responsible Planning
Environmental Stewardship
Support For Veterans
Workforce Diversity & Economic Development
Charitable Giving