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Best Practices For Corporate Office Branding

Best Practices For Corporate Office Branding

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Having served the needs of tens of thousands of companies since 2004, we’ve seen the unique ways office environments evolve to show off their internal and external branding. We ask our clients: what do you want customers to think of you when they walk in? How do you want recruits to think of your organization? How do you want your current staff to perceive the company and where it’s going? If your company is in transition or due for an office update, consider these reasons for using a branded design in your office.

1. Outside Perception


When designing an office environment there are numerous factors in play. Whether your company doesn’t want to be perceived as making too much money or you want to be perceived as cutting-edge, your values will determine your look and your look will determine how outside influencers perceive your brand. A company that wishes to appear modest would need to make their office look very simple while still maintaining daily functions. A “hip” company may want to imbue their environment with a colorful, open feel to achieve a look synonymous with similarly successful start-ups.

Rightsize updates the break area of a marketing firm.

2. Internal Impact


Perception of your office by your employees is just as vital. If you want your employees to view your management, ownership, and company a specific way, the design and layout of the office may be a subconscious factor. Perception determines reality, reality determines decisions; how your staff perceives your company sets the foundation of how they will contribute and grow in your company. Work Design Magazine says that reflecting your brand throughout the office demonstrates a unifying cohesiveness and dedication to company values. Setting high standards internally encourages a strong work ethic and faith in your business down the road.


Rightsize creates comfortable areas for spontaneous meeting.

3. Application & Use

How your space is set up determines how it will be used by your staff. Fast Company recommends approaching your office design as an opportunity to ask questions. When planning to change your space, think about what your staff needs to get their work done. How can you elaborate the office space to suit meeting spaces, break out areas, or private work spaces? Designing to encourage collaboration and team work can benefit your company’s long-term outlook by fostering a stronger identity.


Moreover, if your office is following a hybrid in-office model, designing a transitional office space may be beneficial for employees. For example, certain areas can be designed for working on specific tasks, such as breakout areas. A transitional office space can also help workers maintain an appropriate distance from one another. Additionally, it lets you assess what aspects of the current office are working and which ones are not.

On the other hand, office interior branding, can be different in client and staff spaces. This is because each group has a different view of the business. For this reason, branding in staff spaces should focus more on internal values, such as open communication. Consider a design that has appropriate branding ideas for each group to ensure you send the right message.

4. The Power of Product

Including your business’ product in your corporate office branding is another great way to build a space that is uniquely yours. Not only can this boost productivity, but it also allows employees to interact with the full product. Since the product is the best demonstration of your brand and its story, it can impress potential clients and customers, as well as emphasize your identity. 

When Rightsize works with an organization, we identify multiple factors for the customer, including where they are now, where they’re going, who they want to be, and who they don’t want to be. We assist with the transitions and designs of almost 350 different office spaces a month, so we’ve got a lot of experience and we know what tends to work best.

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